3 ways to end a pregnancy through forced death of human fetus

An abortionist uses several methods to forcibly end the life of the human growing inside her mother’s womb.

Former abortionist Anthony Levatino gives a detailed description of each abortion method used on living, growing human fetuses to end their lives.

Cassaundra is an award-winning journalist and mom who conceived in rape. She founded Momdacity in 2019 to empower women w/ the audacity to mother in an anti-mom world. She uses her own personal story combined with old-school journalism, facts, stats and science to expose the lies about abortion, rape and motherhood. Contact her at formerfetus@momdacity.com. Visit www.momdacity.com.



Cassaundra Momdacity

Mom who conceived in rape empowering women w/ the audacity to mother in an anti-mom world through facts, stats, science untainted by pro-abortion propaganda.